
The proposal of Pairi daeza restaurant pays tribute to the cultural adventure of the city where it stands, reproducing its voyage. A journey that is born in the kitchen of the Middle East, which takes as its inspiration, and re-collects flavors of Arab and Mediterranean heritage reflected in Cordovan traditional dishes with a touch of modernity, adapted to the tastes and needs of our time.

Valley of Pedroches fine cuts, Priego de Córdoba olive oil, pink tomato form Alcolea,  oranges from Palma del Rio … feedstock from the land, fresh and from season, treated with cooking techniques that combine ancient purposes. (Marinated, pickled) with the art and utensils of contemporary cusine.  We prioritize the use of healthy cooking (grilled, foiled, steamed) to obtain a little slice of culinary history combining authenticity with pleasure and well-being of our customers.